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Training course
Healthy lifestyle to
combat stereotypes

dates: 12.09 - 09/20/2022

Place: Paola, Italy

Venue: 4 star hotel - Village Residence Bahja

Description: Nowadays life has brought up many changes in balanced nutrition and physical activity of individuals. Moreover, the financial crisis and the overuse of social network and media, have lengthened the distance between friends, relatives and people in general. Thus, people nowadays live in a way differently than previously, falling into acts of marginalization, xenophobia and fear against the ''odds''. As a result of these several other connected issues started to emerge in the youth field. We had noticed that youngsters have become more inactive regarding their physical activity and more criticized against the others. This isolation in a few words has created inactivity and raise of negative stereotypes. Lack of exercise causes pathological changes in the human body. Besides the lack of movement another major problem in our society, particularly in young people, is malnutrition which is resulting in an epidemic of obesity. Added to this, lack of exercise links to lack of communication and raise of depression and negative thinking, hate against others and stereotypes, due to lonely way of life.

Working language: English

cost:Participation fee is 70 EUR. Travel expenses from Germany to Italy and return will be reimbursed up to a maximum of EUR 220.

Accomodation: The accommodation costs are covered. During the days of the training course participants will be accommodated in 4-bed rooms in a 4-star hotel Village Residence Bahja. 3 times meal per day is also included. 


Travel: You can also stay 2 days longer or arrive 2 days earlier and explore the area at your own expense. 

Registration is open until 10th of August.


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