Training course
NEET to work
Date: 09.09 - 17.09.2021
Place: Yerevan, Armenia
Venue: Nova Hotel Yerevan, Armenian State Economic University
Description: The training course will involve 32 youth workers from 8 different countries (Germany, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia). The main aim of the training course is to equip participants with the necessary skills and educational tools in order to be capable of offering voluntary activities which will help NEET to make the first step, either for employment or education/training. In this regard, some of the specific objectives of the project for participants are: to understand the impact of having young people in a NEET situation and explore local realities, to learn about interventions and forms of support to early school leavers and so prevent future NEET situations, to understand how Erasmus + and other EU programs can be used to include young people in NEET situation.
Working language: English
Costs: Participation fee is 80 €. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 360€. Costs for PCR test can be covered in case the travel limit is not riched.
Accomodation: The accommodation costs are covered. During the days of the training course participants will be accommodated in double rooms in 4-star hotel. 3 times meal per day is also included.
Travel: You can also stay 2 days longer or arrive 2 days earlier and explore the area at your own expense.
No age limit.
Registration is open until 3rd of September
More questions:mobility@copernicusberlin.de