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Training course
Your New Mission

dates:01.10 - 08.10.2021

Place: Torremolinos, Spain

Venue: Hotel Natalia

Description: The training course will involve 32 participants between 18-35 years old, from 8 different countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain).

The main aim of YNM is to equip participants with competences and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society in their local context, particularly to the hard to reach young people.

In this regard, the specific objectives of the project for participants are: to develop knowledge and competence in key concepts of European Citizenship through exploration of values, sense of belonging, rights and duties; to respond to the ideological challenge of populism, xenophobia and terrorism through strengthening the sense of belonging together; to react to the spread of "fake news" used by populist forces at home and abroad to threaten European identity and values; to reflect on the importance of European identity and active participation.

The training course “Your New Mission!” aims to make participants reflect about the importance of European identity and active participation when organizing international youth projects as well as to disseminate the importance or Erasmus Plus program as privileged means for the discovery and dissemination of European identity.

Working language: English

Costs: Participation fee is 80 €. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 275€. Costs for PCR test can be covered in case the travel limit is not riched. 


Accomodation: The accommodation costs are covered. During the days of the training course participants will be accommodated in triple rooms in 4-star hotel. 3 times meal per day is also included. 


Travel: You can also stay 2 days longer or arrive 2 days earlier and explore the area at your own expense. 


No age limit.

Registration is open until 17th of September


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