The project aims to provide adult educators with new skills, knowledge and tool in the field of human rights education of the adults minority.
Summary of the project
Pathway to equality (PTE) is a 20 months Strategic Partnership (SP), focuses on promoting high-quality adult work aiming to provide adult educators with new skills, knowledge and tool in the field of adults minority human rights education. This project aims to support adult educators in acquiring knowledge and skills in key concepts of human rights education with minority adults as well as to empower adult educators to take action for asserting human rights of adults minorities and so decrease the discrimination that minorities face in the society.
The EU recognizes that minority rights are essential in today multicultural society to protect those who wish to preserve and develop values and practices which they share with other members of their community. The EU also recognizes that members of minorities make significant contributions to the richness and diversity of society, and that States which take appropriate measures to recognize and promote minority rights are more likely to remain tolerant and stable. For this reason, the project consortium sees the need to develop and build upon competences of adult educators in adults minority human rights education, both in running educational activities as well as being able to mainstream human rights education.
PTE will make available to adult educators Open Educational Resources (OERs), meaning that adult educators will count on a much wider range of learning materials at their disposal. So, PTE will be a project that will answer to the need of adult educators to constantly innovate and adapt their curriculum and competences.
PTE will constitute a real contribution to the advancement and recognition of adult work in Europe. Although this is often a difficult dimension to evaluate, as it is quite subjective and hard to grasp, the most important dimension touched by this project will be the relevance of adult work to the field of adults minority human rights. PTE will promote the professional development of adult educators ensuring that they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to become active agents of change and social cohesion in their communities. Adult educators, are key agents in adults formal and non-formal educational systems, addressing the legacy of civil conflicts in contexts where ethnicity, race or religion have mitigated against the promotion of social cohesion (as actually is happening in Europe). In this context, PTE will play an important role because from one side will provide new and free educational tools to adult educators and from the other the new trained adult educators will work towards the creation of human rights community of adults activists in the European society through a better quality non-formal education and training that in the long-run will promote a culture of equality and tolerance that respect human rights of minorities.
PTE will engage and empower adult educators but to a greater extent also disadvanteged adults, the direct recipients of adult work. Indeed, one of the goal of PTE is to create a Europe where adults of minority background have the opportunity and skills to enjoy their rights without any discrimination and for this reasons all partners in PTE will work to strength adults led human rights initiatives, facilitate a safe space for dialogue and conflict transformation, develop the organizational capacities of the partners and of all interested stakeholders to bring the voices of adults to policy makers on a local, national and European level.
Adult educators will:
- Develop new skills and knowledge in key concepts of human rights of adults minority, which is an important issue in Europe right now and on the role that adult educators can play and so raise the impact of their work.
- Reinforce practical methods, tools and practices that they can adopt and adapt to their context and so make it easier to protect human rights of adults minority and promote tolerance and equality. This will happen through the specific skills that they will acquire through the TEs (C1&C2) and the other projects outputs.
- Raise participants’ capacity and motivation to apply new methods and implement local multiplying events.
- An increased network with colleagues from other countries and organizations with the common goal of developing quality projects in the future.
- Improve their abilities to deal with new situations and unexpected ones, thanks to specific skills in working with adults through non-formal and formal education.
- Act as multipliers of knowledge acquired in their local area, especially of other Erasmus+ projects giving educational opportunities to the adults of the local context.
- Present Erasmus+ framework and capacitate the participants to take advantage of future learning, mobility or volunteering opportunities.